Oct 28, 2020
If you want the fast track to your greatest impact with your message as a speaker and thought leader, it makes sense that you want to learn best practices on messaging, talk crafting, and delivery. I teach that stuff a lot. And yet, I've noticed over the years that the very thing that is supposed to be helpful can...
Oct 21, 2020
The heart of the dream is to do what you love and the money will follow, right? There are books written on that, and it sounds amazing. But no one tells you the special "road blocks" that show up when you decide you are going to actually create a business from your passion. Kadidja Yansane has worked with hundreds of...
Oct 14, 2020
I see way too many leaders with voices for good who hesitate to take their stand for fear of being wrong. Here's the straight-up news: you probably will be wrong sometimes. I certainly have been wrong plenty, as I share in this episode. There is freedom in really seeing how much impact you can have with your message...
Oct 7, 2020
In the old days, this was "professional" - to keep business separate from our personal life. But the people we serve want more from us now - they want to know who we *really* are. Jude Charles is an expert at sharing that story, through video. As a documentarian for some of the most successful and...